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Nobilis IB Primo QX

Active vaccine against infectious bronchitis serotype D388/QX in chickens


Product Description

Active vaccine against infectious bronchitis serotype D388/QX in chickens.


  • Flexibility of application from one day old onwards.
  • Hatchery application results in more accurate vaccination procedures and lower overall losses.
  • Can be given by spray and eye/nose drop (intranasal/ocular route).
  • Can be used with Ma5 to complete the protectotype family – mix with Nobilis® IB Ma5 before oculonasal or spray administration (simultaneous use with Nobilis® IB Ma5).


Active vaccination of day-old chickens to reduce clinical symptoms of infectious bronchitis caused by IBV serotype D388/QX.


Each dose contains at least 104 EID50 infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain D388.

Dosing and Administration:

Vaccination can be given by spray (coarse spray) or via the oculo-nasal route with suitable solvents in chickens one day old or older.


Sphereon cup 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 doses.


Store between 2 – 8 °C, avoid freezing.

For animal use only.

Manufactured by: MSD Animal Health

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